Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Four days before my 27th birthday,16 July 2005, my mommy fell, her head hit the wall n bleeding. It was the most terrible bleeding I have ever seen lively, from my lovely mommy's head..oh no...It really made my heart stop beating. My mom was still conscious, she could still speak some minutes later. She is really a strong woman, the strongest woman I know I can't do anything but followed her instruction to cut her hair carefully, finding the bleeding center then put some medicine cream on it. My hand was full of her blood. I couldn't stand to see her like that, but I had to coz my nieces, nephew (they came home for holiday) and some neighbours came just cry and had no idea to do something.
I thought that I musn't be panic. Everything happened must be God's will and He won't give something hard beyond our ability to overcome. I could only cry in my heart, keep praying to Allah to release my mom from this pain. I prayed and said "Ya Allah, You are the Almighty, the All-Wise. You are the Creator of this universe, human beings, and everything between heaven and earth. You make this blood and only You can stop this blood. Please stop this bleeding. Please forgive me. Please don't take my mom now...please...please..Ya Allah. Then i read some Asmaul Husna.
I remember one of His Beautiful Names is Al-Barii, the Creator,the Maker. He plan and implement, and He who release difficulties. Also Al-Samii', the All-Hearing. I do believe that He will hear my pray, although I just pray in my heart.
Alhamdulillah, after several minutes the bleeding decreases, but still I saw some drops of blood come out. My mom's head became a quarter-bald that covered with medicine cream"nutrimoist". I can't bring my mom to doctor coz mommy didn't want to go. She was afraid, and so was I, to be injected on head if the doctor wanna sew the wound. So, we tried to handle by ourelves for a temporarily time, with still keep contact with my sister's doctor out of town. I sent sms to some family and friends, asking them to pray for mommy too, meanwhile my other hand keep putting a compress on my mom's head, helped with some relatives.
Alhamdulillah, THANKS TO ALLAH, He answered my pray. My mommy was getting well in the next morning, three days before my birthday. I didn't expect any present from somebody else at that moment (like I used to be in some previous years). My mommy could still make me a beautiful chocolate cakes, like 26 years of birthday I have passed.
I never have a birthday without my mommy's cakes!!!
From this accident, I more realize that we are human is really really small, weak, and don't have anything to be proud of.
Alhamdulillah Allah give me more chances to love n care my mom, or in more appropriate be loved and to be cared.
So, for you guys who still have your beloved mothers with you, give your love n care her more. Also someone you love.
This life is too short for us if we don't show and share our love from now
Indah loves you...0^_^o...