Thursday, March 30, 2006

O CHOSEN ONE( Ya Mustafa )
You’re our prophet,
Our beloved,
Truly you are,
Most just and kind
You’re the Guide
Sent by Allah
To lead us
Towards the light
In your manners
And in your deeds All the Prophets
You did exceed
I want to remind myself and my brothers and sisters of the message of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, who was sent by Allah to teach humanity, the moral values of justice, kindness, mercy, humility, sacrifice and love. May we can follow his example ( sunnah) in every aspect of our lives, enable us to remember Allah and His Messenger more often in our lives.
Apostle Muhammad SAW life is an example and model for us to follow. He is mercy to mankind as he brought mankind out of darkness into light, giving meaning to our existence, bringing glad tidings to those who followed the truth, and promising the good of this world and the good of the hereafter for those who believe and take heed. Amin.
Allahumma salli’ala Sayyidina Muhammadin an-Nabiyyi al-ummiyyi, Wa ‘ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim. O Allah, send your peace and blessings upon your Master Muhammad, the Unlettered Prophet, and upon his family and companions.